Tuesday, July 19, 2011

CUPCAKES (yellow cake with penuche frosting)

Tonight I had a sweet tooth, and while I was quite busy babysitting the 9 week old puppy, and paying bills, I really wanted to squeeze in time to make something yummy.  My mom had told me about this frosting called Penuche Frosting.  But, to use frosting, you've got to have some sort of base.  I googled it, and found applesauce cake, spice cake, and a few other odd selections.  But I did stumble upon a recipe for a yellow cake, that I thought I'd try.  I'm NOT a huge fan of homemade cake.  To me it always is dry, not as tasty, and if Betty Crocker has it figured out, why reinvent the wheel, right?  But, with no Crocker on hand, I dug down deep to my colonial roots, and made one from SCRATCH!  The recipe was quite basic, and I had everything on hand.  I cut the recipe in 1/2, and made them into cupcakes.

1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 1/4 cups sugar
3 large eggs
1 cup evaporated milk (you will need a 12 oz. can if you make the frosting below)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Cream butter and sugar with mixer.   Add eggs, milk and vanilla and continue mixing. Mix in flour, baking powder and salt.  Pour into two 9 inch greased or sprayed cake pans or one 9 x 13 pan.  Bake in preheated 350 degree oven 20 – 25 minutes for round pans and 30 to 35 minutes for 9 x 13 pan.
Once the cupcakes were ready, I made the frosting!! This recipe came from my mom, and it was amazing, and very easy.  
1 c. packed light brown sugar
8 tbsp. (1 stick) butter
1/4 c. whole milk
2 c. confestioners' sugar, sifted
Place brown sugar and butter in medium size heavy saucepan over medium heat.  Simmer, stirring constantly, until well combined, 2 minutes.  Carefully pour in milk, stirring and bring mixture to boil.  Remove pan from heat and cool slightly.
Place confectioners' sugar in large mixing bowl.  Pour hot brown sugar mixture over the confectioners' sugar.  Beat with an electric mixer on low speed until the frosting is smooth and creamy, 2 to 3 minutes.
Use immediately (while still warm) to frost cake of your choice or the frosting will harden.  If it does harden while you are frosting the cake, simply place the pan back over low heat and stir until frosting softens up. 

So, the verdict is in, I made 2 mistakes with attempting to make cupcakes tonight.  1) I didn't use my good friend Betty's  mix for the cake.  The homemade cake was a bit dry, and more of a "cornbread" texture, but not to that extreme... But, it wasn't "cake" consistency.  2) I didn't sift the powdered sugar when making the frosting, hence I have a few little powdered sugar lumps in my yummy frosting.  It didn't affect the taste, but it did affect the appearance.  Kid B hasn't tried them yet, nor has the hubs, so it'll be interesting to get their take on the recipe.  Personally, I loved the frosting!! (The picture is altered so it's not a true color, but the frosting is a light brown) 
Happy Cooking, and I'll try not to be such a stranger to the blog!! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mexican anyone?

Tonight, I don't have a picture, but just the yummy reminder of dinner lingering on the tip of my tongue.  I had bought a rotisserie chicken a while back, and needed to eat it or freeze it.  I ended up taking the meat off the bone, and throwing the skin away, and freezing a little container of chicken.  I figured I could use it later for something.  Low and behold I stumbled upon a recipe for
Crispy Chicken Taquitos
But when the time came to make them, I couldn't find the dumb recipe.
Today's dinner was a challenge, but in the end I think I may have found a new dish to add to the regular rotation.  I started out with defrosting the chicken.  Guess What?  Of course, when I was ready to cook, it was still frozen.  But it was easy enough to pry out of the container and into the pan where I sauteed the meat with about 1/2 a packet of taco mix and about 1/3 cup of water.  I just estimated these amounts.  Once the meat started to look "shredded" I was ready to start rolling the Taquitos.  I've never been one to "roll" things, so needless to say, I was lacking skills in this department.  My corn tortillas continued to rip and break... Oh I was getting shall we say, FRUSTRATED!  But I pulled it all together before losing it completely and went to the internet.  I knew somewhere there had to be advice on how to do this without destroying the tortilla.  And, yep, it was easy advice.  I headed up a cast iron skillet and sprayed it well with Pam, then I cooked each tortilla individually.  I was careful with flipping and didn't want to overcook them.  Once the were more pliable, I was able to fill them with chicken and cheese.  I rolled them up, put them on the pan seam side down.  Meanwhile, my oven was preheating to 400 degrees.  Once I made 7 of these little guys, I slid them into the oven.  I didn't time them, but I watched them closely for the crisping effect.  The edges of the tortilla get a nice crispy brown when they are done.  And, everyone in the family ate them.  Devan wasn't thrilled, but is he ever?  I served them with a side of salsa, but would have preferred guacamole and sour cream too!
Happy Eating!! ( and um no editing done tonight either, sorry!)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Two for one

Well, while Kid B was away for the weekend, we certainly broke all the rules and ate out more times than I care to share with you.  Jon and I were complete opposites 15 years ago, but now we've become each others partner in crime.  If he wants to shop and spend money, so do I.  If I want to eat out, so does he!  LOL... It actually has made for a wonderful marriage, but not so great for our budget.

But on Sunday, I was determined to get back on the cooking wagon.  I had a great birthday celebration to attend, but assumed I'd be back early enough to cook some ribs.  I had watched Dr. Oz, earlier in the week and saw a recipe I was hoping to try.  I actually had picked up some ribs at the store a week or two ago when they were on sale, and they were in the freezer, so it worked out quite nicely.  I took them out to defrost them, and started cooking at about 6:00, and had the ribs on the grill by 6:15.  They had to cook an hour and 1/2... so um, dinner was served at 7:45 LOL.  Oh well, sometimes things like that happen.   These are Chef Rocco DiSpirito's BBQ Ribs 

As the ribs came off the grill

1 rack baby back ribs
Salt and pepper to taste
1 onion, sliced
12 garlic cloves
1 tbsp smoked paprika
2 tbsp liquid smoke
3/4 cup reduced-sugar ketchup
3 tbsp red wine vinegar

Take 1 rack of baby back ribs and trim all visible fat.  Then, season with salt and pepper and place on a 2-foot long piece of aluminum foil on a baking sheet.  

In a separate bowl, combine the paprika, liquid smoke, ketchup and red wine vinegar.

Pour sauce over ribs and turn to coat completely. Scatter onions and garlic over the top. Place the foil over the ribs so it’s tightly sealed. Place on the grill for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Or, to enjoy all year round, place in the oven at 425°F for 1/2 hour and then lower to 275°F for another hour, until meat is tender.  

Well when they were done, the verdict was in.  They weren't seasoned well enough, personal careless error on my part.  But they weren't very BBQish, more saucy.  I can't imagine that BBQ sauce is that bad for you, but I'm going to just have to walk an extra couple of miles to make up for it, because using real BBQ sauce is so much better.  What I did like is that they were cooked in foil for a long long time, and were practically falling off the bone.  That's a good thing with our 13 year old and his braces.  So, I would say it's a keeper but altered with just BBQ sauce, more seasoning on the meat prior to cooking, and then sticking with the same cooking method.  

Tonight I had to make a quick dinner.  I knew that I was going to my very first dance class, and wanted to be able to feed D'ster quickly.  So, I chose an old standby that I learned from Slidell High's Food and Nutrition class I took back in the day, Biscuit Pizzas.  So not healthy, but at this point, who cares!  :-) 
These are the easiest things to make.  You need a can of biscuits, pizza sauce, any toppings of your choice, and mozzarella cheese.  Smash the biscuit, put on the sauce, toppings, and cheese, and back in the oven following the biscuit directions.  So easy, a kid could make them... If that's so, why do I slave over the pan when D could make them?? Oh well, I asked Kid B if he wanted a side of green beans and he did, so I went with our good ole standby.  And that my friends was dinner!  

See you on the flip side for yet another dinner selection tomorrow.  PS I'm not editing this so, please forgive the errors.  I'm way too tired. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Interesting for sure

While at my favorite little meat shop yesterday, I purchased some "Asian marinated pork".
not very appealing huh? 
It was pink, very pink just like the meat you get at your local chinese restaurant.  In my mind I was thinking... I can make that same stuff at home?  And of course, purchased a pound of it.  Tonight for dinner, I sliced an onion, a green bell pepper, and the meat.  I then sauteed all of these things together in a little olive oil.  As recommended by the butcher lady at the meat shop.

On the side I made some fried rice with a recipe from Allrecipes.com.


I used brown rice to make it, and it was pretty good.  Overall dinner didn't look appealing at all, and we were all mildly skeptical to eat it.  However, once we tasted it, everyone agreed that it was good. So, you might ask your self, is that a successful dinner?  I'm still on the fence.  I think that had I broiled the meat on skewers in the oven I might have enjoyed the meat a little better.  Had I used white rice, I would have enjoyed the fried rice more too.  But in the scheme of things, everyone ate it, and Jon even had seconds.  Some nights are just not proud chef moments, and I'd say tonight would certainly fit into that category.  Hoping for a less interesting dinner tomorrow, that looks a bit more appealing.  You know, curb side appeal is everything!  LOL.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dinner on Tuesday- Steak Tips anyone?

Today was a good day.  I accomplished much at work, saw a dear friend, and did a lot of packing.  As the days tick on, I'm getting more and more excited about my new school next year, AKA July 5th!  Ahhh, the year round schedule is stressing me a bit, but I'm trying to not focus on that. Everything else about the position is heavenly.

Jon texted me earlier today to tell me that he was working from home, so that meant I was free to wonder a bit.  I loaded up my car, and followed the road that led to Cary's butcher shop called "The Meat House".  This is a little place that I don't go to very often, and consider it a splurge.  While I was there I viewed many different types of meat, and decided to grab not only tonight's dinner, but two other items too!  I'm prepared for this week of cooking.  I didn't get home until a little after 5, then I unloaded my car, FB, and checked paperbackswap.com.  Finally, I was ready to make dinner, but I was also starving!

I started dinner with a piece of dessert.  I enjoyed the very last Cajun Blondie that I had made on Saturday for the book club. It was delicious.  I savored every morsel by cutting off tiny bite size pieces and making that one last piece last for a while.  The recipe is listed below, and if you ever need a yummy easy dessert, this is a keeper! Thanks to my mom that passed the recipe on to me.

Cajun Blondies 
Mix by hand and press into a buttered 9" x 13" pan:
1 pkg. yellow cake mix (lemon is good too)
1 c. chopped nuts
1 stick butter
1 egg (beaten)
last cajun blondie
Mix with electric mixer:
2 eggs
8 oz. cream cheese (I used fat free)
1 lb. confectioners sugar
Pour on top of pressed mixture.
Bake @ 325 degrees for 60 minutes.
Excellent but rich!
Cut in small squares.

yummy dinner roll

While I was enjoying that fantastic flavorful delight, I started the rest of dinner.  I literally pulled three rolls out of the freezer (the straight from the freezer to the oven type) and got them ready on a pan, and slid those babies into the oven.  

good ole stand by

Meanwhile, I had the hubs start the grill.  I opened a can of green beans, and mixed those with some olive oil and vinegar, an old stand by that Kid B enjoys.  

Just placed on the grill

I was finally ready to throw the yummy MARINATED MEAT HOUSE STEAK TIPS on the grill.  The rolls need to bake for 20-25 minutes.  While they were baking, the meat was grilling.  I just checked on everything and it's all just about ready!  Dinner was quick, and easy, and very very delicious!  And, I have enough for lunch tomorrow, another plus.  Off to do some other mommy chores and then maybe, just maybe I'll get to bed a little early so I can read my book.  
Cooked Meat tips 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tonight was Burger night!

Tonight was the first time I've cooked in a hot long time.  I've been sick, and before that busy, so I've just gotten completely away from cooking.  Number one, that is extremely bad for our budget.  And Number two, it's extremely bad for my body.

So, I've got high aspirations for this week.  Tonight's dinner was moderately to mildly tasty.  The problem is that I started with frozen burgers (Laura's Lean burgers).  I've made them one other time, and as expected they continue to be very blah.  The burgers are very thin, very lean AKA dry, and not very fresh.  My advice is to get yourself some yummy lean ground meat from the store, and make your own burgers on the weekend.  Freeze those babies, and then they are at your fingertips whenever the burger urge hits you.  I should have just made 4 fresh burgers, but should of, could of, would of.... But, it was dinner, and it was quick.

As a side I made oven broiled diced potatoes.  They were delicious, but stuck to the pan.  :-) I mean, don't you understand why I might not cook again for another 10 days LOL.  But, regardless, I bought 2 yukon gold potatoes, peeled and diced them.  Coated them in a tablespoon of olive oil, seasoned with garlic salt, fajita seasoning, and paprika.  Popped them into the oven at 450 for 15 minutes and they were just about done.  Nice and crunchy, with a little soft center.  Perfect!  OK almost perfect, if it weren't for them sticking to the pan.

 Dinner was served, and consumed by 6:38.  That is a good deal.  I'm not sure what we'll have for dinner tomorrow, but I'm certainly cooking!  Be on the lookout for an updated dinner blog then.  Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

So, I missed a few nights :)

Well it's been a busy week here at our house.  So, dinner's sort of taken the back burner, no pun intended.  Reg made frozen pizza for the family on Tuesday night.  It was so wonderful having her home, and then making dinner on top of that, let's just say I felt a little bit spoiled.

Wednesday, Reg went with me to work.  It was quite a day, some therapy in the morning, and followed by a marathon of meetings in the afternoon.  Oh, did I mention that there was a bear loose in the city I work in?  No bear sightings for us, but it was quite an eventful day.  On the way home, we had to stop at the teeter to drop off some prescriptions.  While we were there, we decided dinner would be ribs, salad, and noodles.  My dad has a wonderful recipe for slow grilled ribs, but I have yet to successfully duplicate the recipe, so I stuck with what I know.  I bought a rack of baby back ribs, and seasoned them (fajita and garlic salt) after rinsing them.  Put them in the oven on a long pan at 350, flipping the rack every 15 minutes, and re-seasoning.  After 1 hour, I decided to kick the temperature up to 400 degrees.  I did this for he last 15 minutes to get them crispy and brown.  Of course, when I took them out and cut them they were just almost done.  So, we microwaved them for about 30 seconds to make sure they were "done".  It was a yummy meal, fairly quick for the sides, and the actual cooking of the meat was as simple as a timer, and some tongs that needed attention every 15 minutes.  No picture, and I'm sorry that it wasn't more gourmet-like.

Blogging about my menu is beginning to make me aware of the numerous unhealthy foods that we eat.  I must do something about that soon. 

But, today was not the day.

I went to work again today, and today was my Friday.  So, on that note, it was a good day, seeing as I'm off tomorrow for Kid B's oral surgery.

(SIDE NOTE) Currently with my job, there's a level of unknown as to where or what I'll be doing next year.  I've been offered a position, and I am contemplating that.  However today, another position or option landed in my inbox.  I felt just like Alfalfa from the little rascals when he is frantically trying to do something, and all of a sudden the heavens open.  The quote from the movie is "Then the clouds opened up and God said, "I hate you, Alfalfa!"".  I sort of felt this way at first, when I realized "on no, another decision", but as the day progressed things began to feel a little bit more manageable.  For whatever reason, God does love to give me options.  I'd rather not choose the path, just tell me which way to go (follow the yellow brick road), but I suppose he's got other plans.  Many thanks to the counselors at my school, my friends, and my mom.  I'm able to now at least visualize this second option and do not feel quite so stressed.

So, back to the dinner menu right?  I decided that since D'ster will not be able to eat for a few days, I'd make fried fish.  I'll go ahead and say it's definitely a luxury for us.  I HATE frying food in my house.  It make the place smell like fried food, it makes the range top messy, and it's just a pain.  But, oh the taste!  If it's anything, fried fish is a comfort food.  So tonight, on the eve of Kid B's surgery, and the ending of quite a day, I decided fried fish would do just fine.  I know you're surprised, but it was in my freezer.    So, um, I had the fun battle of defrosting those little filets. Nonetheless, it was accomplished.

(see below for recipe)

Mom and Dad's Fried Fish
Dinner is served! 
Catfish filets (fresh is best, but it's ok to freeze the fresh yourself)
peanut oil
Zatarains Seasoned Fish Fry
a cooking thermometer

As I attempt to make this recipe healthy :) I never "deep fry" the fish(Am I kidding myself?).  I pour about 1-2 inches of oil
in a pan(Maybe 3 inches), and heat it to 350 degrees.  I place a little of the fish fry into a doubled brown paper lunch bag, and then shake the fish into that once I've washed the fish, and cut it into bite size pieces.  Once the oil is ready, I put the fish in, cook until crispy and brown on one side, flip and repeat.  It took me no more than 20 minutes to get this little dish together.  I also made a side salad to go with it, D had tomatoes, I had an avocado and a 1/2 of tomato.

Happy Dinner Everyone!! And I'm tired don't judge my errors :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Monday!

So, tonight I got home early.  No duties at school means I can usually get in my car and be home before 5 pm.  I actually remembered to get the frozen "meat" out of the freezer before I headed off to work this morning. I admit that is my number one challenge.  I find that planning ahead helps me to remove the "thinking" aspect of dinner thoughts between 6 and 7 am when I'm getting ready to depart for work.  

Being a girl from Louisiana, I should have been having Red Beans and Rice, but guess what, I don't like them! But, sticking with my roots, we had Jambalaya for dinner tonight. I have a special "mix" that I use, that I typically purchase when I go home and visit my family.  But, lucky for you guys, I've found a website that sells this little gem.  So, you can have the deliciousness of Louisiana without having to go on a long trip down south.  Although, I must admit, going to Louisiana is a wonderful experience.  I may be partial, but everyone should at least go once.


Jambalaya (Oak Grove Version) 
I started with some Hillshire Farms Polska Kielbasa, how this fits in with Cajun food, I'm not sure... But we'll just go with it.  I sliced it into little bite size slices, and sauteed the sausage in a bit of olive oil.  Once the sausage began to get nice and caramelized, I then added 2 1/2 cup of water to the pan, covered and brought this to a boil again.  Once the water & meat mixture began to boil, I added in the mix.  I then turned the fire very low, so that the pan was just slightly simmering, and cooked this for 25-30 minutes covered.

Tonight's Jambalaya was by far the best I've had in a long long time.  I have enough left over for lunch tomorrow, for both me and the hubs!  I served this quick and easy dinner with a side of salad.  Right, you're asking, "does your picky 13 year old eat salad? "  But, he actually does.  We had a tomato and green bean salad.  I put a little salt and pepper, some olive oil and vinegar, mix... and enjoy!
Dinner was satisfying and not exhausting tonight.  I call that a success!
Happy cooking everyone.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

So the winds a changing...

A good 2 months ago, I decided to try to run.  I did OK with it for a while, but quickly got discouraged for various reasons.  But I missed blogging!  So, I redesigned my blog, and low and behold, I'm back!
This time with something that I think I do more consistently, cooking.  Typically, I cook for a party of two. Myself and my son.  There are other times, when the husband is able to join us, and then I up it to three.  If I were going to classify their eating habits, I'd say that they fall in the category of "limited and picky".  That is the number one reason my job of meal planning is exhausting.

The hubs decided to start a new "challenge" in our family where we don't eat out for a month.  Well, I can honestly say it's been hard, and it's only May 15.  We've broken down twice already!  But on the flip side, we've done a good job planning meals, and eating at home a lot too.  I've even encouraged and gotten him to cook a few times.

This week, I sat down and started the meal planning.  I've got some good meals on the menu, and even some that the boy child will not eat.  On these days, he can eat a corn dog, PB& J, or leftovers from another night.

But, I didn't cook tonight, we actually had Chili's, Yum!  Yesterday for lunch however, I did cook.  So, I thought I'd share that quick and yummy meal with everyone.

Buffalo Chicken Tender Strips served with cucumbers, bell peppers, or some other veggie that is popular in your home.

Chicken Tenders (fresh or frozen)
Frank's Red Hot Original Sauce
Seasoning (I use fajita seasoning and garlic salt)

I bake these little babies in the oven at 350 degrees, for about 20-25 minutes on a pan sprayed with Pam.  I season them before they go into the oven.  While the chicken is cooking, I cut up the veggies and put them in bowls on the table with ranch and blue cheese.  Once the veggies are cut up, I make the sauce.  I put about 1/2 cup of Frank's Red Hot original Sauce in a microwavable container, add 1/4 cup of butter, and cover.  I typically microwave this for about 1 minute.  Once the chicken is ready, I dredge it through the sauce and then place the done, sauce coated chicken on a plate.
Dinner is done!

This is such a wonderful recipe.  We originally made it with buns, but I prefer no bread.  I like it straight on a plate with a side of yummy veggies and blue cheese.  My 13 year old, 20 year old (college student), and hubby really like this dinner!

I hope you can make it soon, and that your family enjoys it also!!
Be on the look out for another dinner idea tomorrow.  Till then, happy eating!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 2 and 3 of Week 3

So as I type this blog, I'm sitting in the study, with sweat dripping down.  I apologize for not blogging separately about the two days, but life has been crazy, busy and crazy busy.  My Day 2 of Week 3 run, was suppose to occur on Friday.  But, I can assure you that was not the case.  Jon and I went car shopping on Friday night, so of course that entailed eating out, which allowed no time for running.  But, as to not disappoint my many many followers (yes, this is intended as a slice of comedy), I woke up early on Saturday in order to do my run.  Well, I woke up, and decided to get it out of the way.  I believe the temperature was like 34 or something horrible.  So, I decided to treadmill the run.  But, to spice it up a bit, I ran/walked at a 2% incline for the whole thing.  I enjoyed serenading my husband during this 30 minute time period.  He happened to be in the living room without the TV on, so he got to hear my lovely voice.  He felt the need to point out that I'd start out singing strong, and then decline to barely a whisper... Really? You think.  I'm not sure that common piece of knowledge needed to be shared but, OK.  I'm no Brittany Spears, I can't run around and get all fitness-ized and belt it out.  Oh wait, maybe Brittany couldn't do that either... Did she lip sing?  Anyway, the run was uneventful, and completed.

Today has been a pretty long day.  I had an IEP meeting at 8, therapy sessions all day long, and then another IEP at 4:15.  Needless to say, I did not get home until close to 6pm.  It may have been 6pm on the dot.  I threw on my clothes, and decided to hit the pavement outside.  I needed to see if I could actually do it outside, since every run this week had been inside, not to mention it's sunny and in the 80's today.  Ahh, NC spring, can you please make up your mind.  So while running outside in the scorching temps, I was able to breath in the fresh air that happens to be saturated with pollen.  I'm sure I'll regret  running outside a little later.  Before I headed out, I tried to hydrate on my way home, maybe drank 3/4 of a bottle of water.  I double knotted my tennis shoes as this has been an ongoing problem... Laces flopping.  Pulled my hair back in a pony, and I was ready to go.  Devan told me he'd go, but it was so hot, and he just came in from outside.  He even warned me to be careful in the temps.  :-) Just tell me you don't want to run!
I took a totally different route today and oh changing up the scenery is about the best thing ever!  I went down a less hilly street, around a pond, through some wooded area, and then repeat.  I was able to run the various times as instructed by lovely podcast.  I can even say I don't feel exhausted and that maybe, just maybe I could have gone a little further, or a little longer.  But, there is always time for that during week 4, so I did not push it.  I'm off to get food, stop at the store (I'm making a cake), pay bills, do more work, and then perhaps finish reading a book that must be done by Sunday.  Ahhhh, oh yeah and respond to two  emails.

Happy Monday blog followers!  I hope the rest of the week goes as smoothly with less work!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week 3, Already?

Today was Day one of week three.  It's a miserable day in North Carolina, temperature wise, and precipitation wise.  I decided after doing bus duty in the frigid temps that I was going to kick it old school, and spend some time with my ever so precious dreadmill... AKA treadmill.  I was really not sure about the whole change of scenery since I was already planning on altering my workout for the new week.  I wondered if the new environment would be too much, and perhaps push me over the edge?  Or worse yet, make me walk.  I've literally been thinking and worrying about this workout all day, Would I be able to handle it?  

Before the last bus came, I stepped into the office and had a small conversation with a high school junior (our school's receptionist's daughter) about my back hurting.  Since I've been run/walking, my lower back is achy.  She (a track runner) told me that it was probably just a strain.  Then I mentioned that today I had to go a whole three minutes running without stopping, and lets just say that I'm quite impressed with her ability to hold back her laughter.  She look at me as if I was some crazy old lady who is COMPLETELY out of shape, then she realized that I was serious and corrected her response.  I find this mildly comical and somewhat depressing at the same time.  I thought my exploration of becoming a runner was something I should be proud of, not something others would find ridiculous.  So, with my bruised ego, I made dinner when I got home, popped it into the oven and then went upstairs to change.  

Once on the treadmill and plugged into my most favorite tunes with Jon Hayden's copycat version of my couch to 5K podcast, I was ready to get going.  I did my five minute warm-up, on to my 90 second run, followed by a 90 second recovery, and then I was there.  Yep, there at the three minutes of running, running without stopping.  Luckily for me, my ability to focus really well on abstract objects (thank you lamaze training) and sweet tunes being pumped into my ears I was able to run the entire interval!  Three minutes of recovery, and then I was back to running.  And now that it's said and done, it really wasn't very challenging at all.  It actually felt like my workout was easier than normal.  I did an additional 90 second run before my 5 minute cool down, just because!  Crazy right?  So I think that the dreadmill, is not quite as dreadful as I thought.   But instead,  my neighborhood hills are the dreaded road blocks in my very near future.  Being a girl who grew up in southern Louisiana, I have a special loathing for hills.  Oh sure, they're gorgeous to look at, make for interesting scenery, but they suck when it comes to exercise(biking, walking, running).  

Can you guess what my new obsessive worry will be until Friday?  Yep, will I be able to do this outside on the hills? I'm hoping the weather turns around, and I can run outside Friday.  But secretly between us, if I have to do the inside easy workout again, that'll be OK.  

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 3 of Week 2

So I've done this for 2 weeks now.  My little Run/Walk.  Today was an interesting day for a few reasons.  First, I had a special homemade podcast/mp3 created by Jon put together with my favorite music du jour, with voiceovers telling me when to do what.  Another reason today was different was that it was barely 40 degrees when I went out for my run, and this is no small feat!  I hate cold weather.  But, I bundled up, hat, sweatshirt, and gloves and pushed on.  I was so thankful that it wasn't raining as they had predicted yesterday.  Finally, I altered my "way" of running.  I've been running as the first podcast guy suggested  heel to toe, well I did that, and it was hard.  I felt like Fred Flintstone, literally pounding the pavement.  I've done it all along for the last 2 weeks, but it's been exhausting, and probably not the most efficient way to "run".  Today I decided to try something a little different, Jon's been telling me to run on my mid-foot/forefoot, so I gave it a try.  It allowed for my pace to be a little bouncier, and it was much easier.  I'm not sure if the ease is due to the form, or the music, because it could be either or both.  :)

Yesterday, I made the most amazing Oreo cake.  It is delicious.  I had two pieces yesterday, and I'm pretty sure that by the end of today, I will have had two more pieces.  So this run, was for that cake!

I'm really looking forward to Week 3, I've got to get the "instructions" and send them on to Jon, so that he can compose the next personalized podcast/mp 3 for me.  Today while running, I noticed one dog, one cat, many buds, lots of blossoms and two robins.  But I do have one question, Dear Mother Nature, where oh where has spring gone?  Our weather people are predicting a possible flurry in the morning, I certainly hope they are wrong.  Until Wednesday, hang strong, and survive Monday and Tuesday.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 2 of week 2

So today was day 2 of the week two's training.  Oh my!  It was definitely my hardest day out there yet.  Haha, I know you're thinking that I've only done my little training routine for a total of 5 days.  Regardless, I'm going to attribute today's difficulties to a variety of reasons ranging from 1) junk food, 2) not enough water, and 3) hmm, I'm shy one reason... So, let's blame it on allergies.  :)  But, I did it... My legs got very very tired towards the end of the run, and my breathing was quite laborious.  Ahhhhhh, I don't know what I've gotten myself into.

So now I'm on a quest to figure out how to make this better.  I've come up with one way, and I think it'll help.  I'm going to try to have my husband make a podcast for me, using 1) my favorite music, 2) Robert's schedule of running and 3) the hubs voice over to tell me when I need to run, when I need to walk, and when I need to warm up and cool down.  I have to say, having a techie hubby has its perks.  He may spend more time with his computer than with me, but I am starting to see some of the benefits.  :-) So I've got a few good ideas for songs, 1) Cee Lo Green's Forget You, 2) B.O.B.'s Price Tag... and that's it for now.. Maybe the 3) Bruno Mars Grenade.  If you have any suggestions sent them my way!  I've got to get 30 minutes of tunes together for my new and improved Podcast by Jon Hayden.

Today I took along the Garmin to see exactly how far I was run/walking and at what type of pace.  LOL, it's certainly nothing to brag about, but here are the stats:  I went 1.97 miles, in 29:30 minutes, with an average pace of 14:59.  I'm not sure how this program is going to get me to a 5K, I'm becoming quite the skeptic.

Jon's actually talking about going with me on Sunday.  Last time I went for a run/walk with him, he ran circles around me and it did nothing for our relationship LOL.  Hopefully, he has learned what is acceptable and what is not.  Tomorrow I'm making a Scrumptious OREO cake!  I can't wait to taste it.  Maybe I'll take a picture of my cake for my blog on Sunday!  Happy Weekend everyone!! PS the rain will be here on Sunday, I wonder if it'll be a treadmill day, or an outside day.... It'll be interesting.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day... I quit counting :) But Run/Walk #4

So, I was going to try and blog everyday, but um, life got the best of me.  So, it's been a few days, lets see what I can recap.  Saturday, Jon and I spent the day painting.  Sunday, we rewarded ourselves and went to see a movie, after that, I did my run on Sunday, and survived.  It was a cold day, so I wore a sweatshirt, with some running tights, and shorts.  Sunday I also borrowed some groovy running shorts that have many pockets, and one pocket in particular served as my iPod holder!  Such a tiny luxury, but oh it was exciting for me.  I think I'll be wearing these shorts until they fall apart.  Jon, I will be hiding them from you! :)

Monday brought back the dreaded work week.  The good news is that I'm off Friday, the bad news is that there are many days between Monday and Thursday, 4 to be exact.  Back to the good news... I've made it to Thursday!  It's been an emotionally exhausting week, and I officially decided that I will not be returning to the school I've been at for the last 2 years.  I will try to transfer internally, and I'm hoping that works out. If not, then it's time for a change, and change is not always a bad thing!

Today, was day one of Week Two of my "couch to 5K" experience.  I still have two more days to get through this week, Friday and Sunday.  I wasn't necessarily struggling with my air intake today, but mainly with the pain that was radiating from my calf/shin.  Miraculously, as I started that last 5 minute cool down, all of a sudden, I notice my legs were better.  Ironic, or just mental?  I think it's totally a mental block.  I was very unmotivated to run today, but I pushed myself out.

The next two weeks are going to be hard, as the weather people are predicting March is going to go out like a lion, lower than normal temps.  But I'll keep keeping on, and I'll let you know how it all works out.

Random Things I noticed: 
On the first day of the workout for Week One and Two, I can say I hated the music on the podcast, and can only focus on the pain and agony of running. However by day three, I can sing along to the stupid techno crap Mr. Ullrey calls music and actually grown to like it.  Mr. Ullrey and I have become quite acquainted since I get to listen to him talk his way through my workout.  He wants me to email him my thoughts... I'm not sure he'd appreciate them at this time.  So, as my mom taught me, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  

I don't actually sweat during the duration of the workout.  For me, it's the last 5 minute cool down that drenches me.  Not a bad thing considering I'm always cold.  When I walk/run or run/walk... I'm never cold after that!  It's like a free heater.

As I was running today, I thought about how delightful it would be if I lived in Az, where the weather is tolerable all year long.  In the winter, I could run after work.  In the summer, I could run before work.  NC is not conducive to any long term running for me.  Sunny weather and Warm temps is what I require! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 3... Catch me if you can, oh wait, that wouldn't be hard

So on Friday, I got home actually a bit earlier than normal.  But, this was planned because I had two errands to run, before businesses close(5pm).  After picking up contacts, attempting to mail a package, I headed home.  I was able to compose close to 10 excuses for why I probably should not go out on the road and do my run.  Luckily for me, Jon was home, so I could discuss at length with him all of these excuses, and how I really didn't need to go run.  But, despite my extreme deficiency in motivation, I pulled myself up stairs, changed into my "running clothes".  I came down and assessed the time, it was close to 5:15ish, and I knew that my work out would be a good 30 minutes.  I apparently checked facebook, complained some more, watched something on TV, and then eventually I propelled myself out of the house.  Not an easy task on a Friday afternoon, but I had something to look forward to.  I was meeting up with some neighborhood friends for dinner and drinks at 6:05.  So, let's get this task done, and get to the fun stuff.

Of course, the brisk 5 minute walk was a piece of cake, I've been walking all my life, it's not all that difficult.  Usually, I'm always in a rush, so brisk isn't too challenging either.  As the run/walk cycles began I felt better, and worse at the same time.  My breathing was easier, and less laborious.  But, my pace was TURTLE slow.  I was fatigued from work, and the workout I had done two days prior.  Nonetheless, I pushed through, and made it to the 1/2 way mark.  Interestingly enough, I always think that's the hardest part, but once there at that midway point, I realize I'm wrong and the last 1/2 is equally as hard if not harder.  A friend from work gave me suggestion, that I feel really helped.  She told me to keep my head angled straight, and not up or drastically down.  This helps promote airflow to and from the lungs, ha ha.  Common sense right, but for whatever reason, I do tend to run with my head tilted a bit high.  By focusing on this I really think my breathing was improved.  I kept my pace at slow, and decided that running was challenging enough, no need to kill myself :) So, it all went quite uneventful, until I was exactly 3 houses away from my house.  On the corner of my street, and another street there's this really great sidewalk.  I enjoy using sidewalks so that I don't have to worry about cars/drivers.  But this sidewalk has it out for me.  Every single time I walk on this sidewalk, I trip on the smallest raised concrete area.  My secret fear is that the neighbors I've never met, who live right here on this corner, sit in their house and wait for my appearance, and partake in the delight of my clumsiness.  I've tried desperately to teach myself that this area is a hazard, to make myself more aware, but no matter the attempts, I am always so focused the tunes being pumped into my ears that I find myself flying through the air, and then flailing to catch myself so that I don't fall.

Dear Town Of Holly Springs,
Please send someone to fix this sidewalk, it may very well be the death of me.
Sincerely, G

When I arrived at home, having survived the run/walk, and the vicious sidewalk that is out to get me, I realized that I simply had 10 minutes to get ready for my girls night out date!! Anyone who knows me, knows 10 minutes is not ample enough time to do anything!  But, regardless, I pulled it off in 15 minutes and was dressed and in my car.  I won't mention that I felt as if I was still sweating profusely, and had to use the air conditioner full blast blowing on my face, nor the fact that my face was uncommonly red, and no I didn't use too much blush.  Heck at this rate, I may never need to use blush again... Running just gives me a nice RED glow, oh just about on every inch of my face.

I had a fabulous evening, but I was exhausted.  After working, running, rushing, and then relaxing, I felt very very tired.  Tomorrow I embark on the last run session before moving onto Week 2.  I think we'll have to have a ceremony of some sort to celebrate the completion of Week 1.  I'm curious about Week 2, so I think curiosity will get me to work out at least 2 more times.  :)

Happy Weekend everyone!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 2... No running for me today!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  Day two... 
So, leaving for work this morning, I was already so thankful that I wouldn't have to do any exercise at the end of my day.  Yep, it's my official sit on my butt and do nothing day!  Haha, of course, I won't count the many steps I took today around my workplace, nor the "housework" that will have to be done before I go to bed tonight.  But, knowing that I don't have to head outside today, was actually a relief.  Some people exercise daily, and I have no idea how.  Really it's a very perplexing concept.  My legs feel a bit like achy jello, but despite the physical annoyance, I actually felt physically more attractive today.  Yet another perplexing concept :).  But, whatever works!  I always do feel better about myself when I'm acting like Fergie, and "working on my fitness."  My goal for the day is to eat a healthy dinner, take my vitamins (I'm the worlds worst at remembering), and getting a good nights sleep.  Friday's are usually a pretty long day, with back to back therapy sessions after lunch, run by yours truly.  I hope to have lots of energy tomorrow, and feel energized to hit the pavement again right after work.  I'm very thankful that I get to work on the same routine two more times.  I'm actually scared of the increase in the running!  I live for my weekends, and am looking forward to re-connecting with some girls from the hood tomorrow at a local tavern.  Now, I've just got to convince my husband not to eat the frozen pizza in the freezer, as I'd like to partake in that guilty pleasure, too.  Happy Friday everyone, I'm off to feed my very hungry puppy!  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 1 ... Can you hear me wheezing?

So, today I decided to get off of my rump, and try to run.  I am married to a die-hard runner.  He currently is injured, but still die-hard.  We've been married 15 years, and he's run for about the last 11 years, I think.  I've tried to "learn" how to run before, and have never had success.  Ok, I've only tried once, but that is trying!  Being in my frugal mindset, I search the ever famous iTunes for a trainer and stumbled upon this little jewel of a podcast.  It was called couch to 5K.  I won't pretend that I know much about this program, I don't.  I do know that it's over a course of weeks (no idea how many), and it walks you through the steps, and oh, it's free.  These three things were enough to get me to sign up, or download!

Well, Day one is completed.  All I can say is whew, that was tough.  I hope Friday is easier.  The author of the podcast suggest running Wed, Friday, and Sunday.  I'm going to give those days a try.  Let's hope rain, and cold weather do not make an appearance on those days, because I really can't see my motivation (or lack there of) pushing through those unpleasant elements.  Halfway through the 30 minute cycle of pain, a loud booming voice told me that I should feel great, and not too winded... Well I'm 5'4", and weigh in at a little over 125, and I seriously thought I'd collapse on the sidewalk.  I'm not sure who this cast is meant for, but apparently not someone who hasn't exercised in oh say, 3 months.

So, as I sit here coughing, and red in the face, I wonder if I'll ever make it in a 5K.  That' the name of the game, but we shall see.  I wonder also if my husband will come and take pictures of me as I cross that finish line, should I ever get to that point.  I also wonder if I too will be come a running freak, someone who enjoys making their heart pump at an unreasonable pace, while feeling that burning sensation that radiates out of your lungs when you're just not able to get enough oxygen.  Well, there's only one way to know, and I suppose time will tell. Until Friday!