Monday, June 13, 2011

Two for one

Well, while Kid B was away for the weekend, we certainly broke all the rules and ate out more times than I care to share with you.  Jon and I were complete opposites 15 years ago, but now we've become each others partner in crime.  If he wants to shop and spend money, so do I.  If I want to eat out, so does he!  LOL... It actually has made for a wonderful marriage, but not so great for our budget.

But on Sunday, I was determined to get back on the cooking wagon.  I had a great birthday celebration to attend, but assumed I'd be back early enough to cook some ribs.  I had watched Dr. Oz, earlier in the week and saw a recipe I was hoping to try.  I actually had picked up some ribs at the store a week or two ago when they were on sale, and they were in the freezer, so it worked out quite nicely.  I took them out to defrost them, and started cooking at about 6:00, and had the ribs on the grill by 6:15.  They had to cook an hour and 1/2... so um, dinner was served at 7:45 LOL.  Oh well, sometimes things like that happen.   These are Chef Rocco DiSpirito's BBQ Ribs 

As the ribs came off the grill

1 rack baby back ribs
Salt and pepper to taste
1 onion, sliced
12 garlic cloves
1 tbsp smoked paprika
2 tbsp liquid smoke
3/4 cup reduced-sugar ketchup
3 tbsp red wine vinegar

Take 1 rack of baby back ribs and trim all visible fat.  Then, season with salt and pepper and place on a 2-foot long piece of aluminum foil on a baking sheet.  

In a separate bowl, combine the paprika, liquid smoke, ketchup and red wine vinegar.

Pour sauce over ribs and turn to coat completely. Scatter onions and garlic over the top. Place the foil over the ribs so it’s tightly sealed. Place on the grill for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Or, to enjoy all year round, place in the oven at 425°F for 1/2 hour and then lower to 275°F for another hour, until meat is tender.  

Well when they were done, the verdict was in.  They weren't seasoned well enough, personal careless error on my part.  But they weren't very BBQish, more saucy.  I can't imagine that BBQ sauce is that bad for you, but I'm going to just have to walk an extra couple of miles to make up for it, because using real BBQ sauce is so much better.  What I did like is that they were cooked in foil for a long long time, and were practically falling off the bone.  That's a good thing with our 13 year old and his braces.  So, I would say it's a keeper but altered with just BBQ sauce, more seasoning on the meat prior to cooking, and then sticking with the same cooking method.  

Tonight I had to make a quick dinner.  I knew that I was going to my very first dance class, and wanted to be able to feed D'ster quickly.  So, I chose an old standby that I learned from Slidell High's Food and Nutrition class I took back in the day, Biscuit Pizzas.  So not healthy, but at this point, who cares!  :-) 
These are the easiest things to make.  You need a can of biscuits, pizza sauce, any toppings of your choice, and mozzarella cheese.  Smash the biscuit, put on the sauce, toppings, and cheese, and back in the oven following the biscuit directions.  So easy, a kid could make them... If that's so, why do I slave over the pan when D could make them?? Oh well, I asked Kid B if he wanted a side of green beans and he did, so I went with our good ole standby.  And that my friends was dinner!  

See you on the flip side for yet another dinner selection tomorrow.  PS I'm not editing this so, please forgive the errors.  I'm way too tired. 

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