Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Interesting for sure

While at my favorite little meat shop yesterday, I purchased some "Asian marinated pork".
not very appealing huh? 
It was pink, very pink just like the meat you get at your local chinese restaurant.  In my mind I was thinking... I can make that same stuff at home?  And of course, purchased a pound of it.  Tonight for dinner, I sliced an onion, a green bell pepper, and the meat.  I then sauteed all of these things together in a little olive oil.  As recommended by the butcher lady at the meat shop.

On the side I made some fried rice with a recipe from

I used brown rice to make it, and it was pretty good.  Overall dinner didn't look appealing at all, and we were all mildly skeptical to eat it.  However, once we tasted it, everyone agreed that it was good. So, you might ask your self, is that a successful dinner?  I'm still on the fence.  I think that had I broiled the meat on skewers in the oven I might have enjoyed the meat a little better.  Had I used white rice, I would have enjoyed the fried rice more too.  But in the scheme of things, everyone ate it, and Jon even had seconds.  Some nights are just not proud chef moments, and I'd say tonight would certainly fit into that category.  Hoping for a less interesting dinner tomorrow, that looks a bit more appealing.  You know, curb side appeal is everything!  LOL.

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