Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mexican anyone?

Tonight, I don't have a picture, but just the yummy reminder of dinner lingering on the tip of my tongue.  I had bought a rotisserie chicken a while back, and needed to eat it or freeze it.  I ended up taking the meat off the bone, and throwing the skin away, and freezing a little container of chicken.  I figured I could use it later for something.  Low and behold I stumbled upon a recipe for
Crispy Chicken Taquitos
But when the time came to make them, I couldn't find the dumb recipe.
Today's dinner was a challenge, but in the end I think I may have found a new dish to add to the regular rotation.  I started out with defrosting the chicken.  Guess What?  Of course, when I was ready to cook, it was still frozen.  But it was easy enough to pry out of the container and into the pan where I sauteed the meat with about 1/2 a packet of taco mix and about 1/3 cup of water.  I just estimated these amounts.  Once the meat started to look "shredded" I was ready to start rolling the Taquitos.  I've never been one to "roll" things, so needless to say, I was lacking skills in this department.  My corn tortillas continued to rip and break... Oh I was getting shall we say, FRUSTRATED!  But I pulled it all together before losing it completely and went to the internet.  I knew somewhere there had to be advice on how to do this without destroying the tortilla.  And, yep, it was easy advice.  I headed up a cast iron skillet and sprayed it well with Pam, then I cooked each tortilla individually.  I was careful with flipping and didn't want to overcook them.  Once the were more pliable, I was able to fill them with chicken and cheese.  I rolled them up, put them on the pan seam side down.  Meanwhile, my oven was preheating to 400 degrees.  Once I made 7 of these little guys, I slid them into the oven.  I didn't time them, but I watched them closely for the crisping effect.  The edges of the tortilla get a nice crispy brown when they are done.  And, everyone in the family ate them.  Devan wasn't thrilled, but is he ever?  I served them with a side of salsa, but would have preferred guacamole and sour cream too!
Happy Eating!! ( and um no editing done tonight either, sorry!)

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