Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 1 ... Can you hear me wheezing?

So, today I decided to get off of my rump, and try to run.  I am married to a die-hard runner.  He currently is injured, but still die-hard.  We've been married 15 years, and he's run for about the last 11 years, I think.  I've tried to "learn" how to run before, and have never had success.  Ok, I've only tried once, but that is trying!  Being in my frugal mindset, I search the ever famous iTunes for a trainer and stumbled upon this little jewel of a podcast.  It was called couch to 5K.  I won't pretend that I know much about this program, I don't.  I do know that it's over a course of weeks (no idea how many), and it walks you through the steps, and oh, it's free.  These three things were enough to get me to sign up, or download!

Well, Day one is completed.  All I can say is whew, that was tough.  I hope Friday is easier.  The author of the podcast suggest running Wed, Friday, and Sunday.  I'm going to give those days a try.  Let's hope rain, and cold weather do not make an appearance on those days, because I really can't see my motivation (or lack there of) pushing through those unpleasant elements.  Halfway through the 30 minute cycle of pain, a loud booming voice told me that I should feel great, and not too winded... Well I'm 5'4", and weigh in at a little over 125, and I seriously thought I'd collapse on the sidewalk.  I'm not sure who this cast is meant for, but apparently not someone who hasn't exercised in oh say, 3 months.

So, as I sit here coughing, and red in the face, I wonder if I'll ever make it in a 5K.  That' the name of the game, but we shall see.  I wonder also if my husband will come and take pictures of me as I cross that finish line, should I ever get to that point.  I also wonder if I too will be come a running freak, someone who enjoys making their heart pump at an unreasonable pace, while feeling that burning sensation that radiates out of your lungs when you're just not able to get enough oxygen.  Well, there's only one way to know, and I suppose time will tell. Until Friday!


  1. You inspire me! The kids just completed day one with me.

  2. Ummm. When did you plan on telling me about this endeavour? I recall telling you about this program years ago.

  3. Thanks Jenn! I'm so excited that we're doing this together, even though we're miles apart. :-) Jon, I've already explained myself :)
